Attractive and easy to operate, glazed and panel overhead sectional industrial doors are a durable, tight-sealing fit for all manner of industrial and commercial facilities. The perfect fit for industry Industrial Doors are a vital component in the movement of goods into and out of working and commercial facilities. A wide range of accessories can be added to our four basic overhead sectional industrial door designs - Insulated panel doors offer maximum thermal insulatation and weather protection for warehouses, distribution centres and workshop type facilities. Glazed aluminium frame arrangements offer excellent visibility and daylight inlet with a sturdy supporting structure. Fully-Glazed are the ideal door system for an almostly completely glass look. Blends in seamlessly with curtain walling and glazed facades. • sectional panels of galvanized steel sheet, sandwich, with width of 610 mm or 500 mm, anti-corrosive, with ecological polyurethane foam insulation weighing 10.8 kg/sqm (ISO 3582), with a thickness of 40 mm and coefficient of heat transfer of pa the new k = 0.51 W/mpk • standard colour, stucco finish RAL 9010 white, interior-exterior white RAL 9002 grey RAL 9006, RAL 3000 red, blue RAL 5010, RAL 6005 green, yellow RAL 1021 • anodised glazed panels, thermal insulating plastic glass 3 mm pack of 22 mm or 4mm • door frame, drivetrain systems and balancing are galvanised • traction ropes are made of galvanized steel (7 × 19 mm), max strength 1770 N/mm2 • safety device against breakage of cables • safety device against breakage of springs • sealing gaskets contour • Balancing system with torsion spring • profiles for hardening type panels, omega, for larger widths of 5000 mm and for pedestrian doors
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale actionare electrica cu motor axial cu buton. Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu [..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu sisteme de culisare LHR(Low Headroom Rear) pentru montarea arcurilor in spatele sinelor de culisare Usile sectionale i[..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu sisteme de culisare FTR ( Follow The Roof ) acolo unde se doreste ca sina de culisare sa urmareasca acoperisul. Usile sectionale i[..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu sisteme de culisare standard. Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu perete dublu[..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu sisteme de culisare HL ( High Lift ) acolo unde se doreste ca sina de culisare sa fie ridicata fata de golul usii. Usile sec[..]
Usi de garaj industriale cu grile de ventilatie. Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu perete dublu,repartizate p[..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu geamuri rotunde. Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu perete dublu,[..]
Usi de garaj sectionale industriale cu geamuri dreptunghiulare . Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu pere[..]
Usi de garaj industriale cu 1 panou vitrat. Usile sectionale industriale sunt confectionate din : - panouri de otel cu perete dublu,repartizate pe sectiuni [..]
For all our projects, we carry out laborious measurements in the field with performance measuring instruments, the mounting conditions being an important factor for finding the most efficient and ingenious constructive solutions.
SC AXA PLUS SRL has about 2000 square meters of production facilities, equipped with work equipment and equipment of the newest generations.
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SC AXA PLUS has a team of enthusiastic professionals who, based on the documentation received from potential clients, offer the portfolio products, finding the most optimal construction solutions.
SC Axa Plus has specialized assembly teams for all types of products in the portfolio, with many certified installers from our suppliers, with specializations and courses for all these products.
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Axa Plus. Successful alliance.
The quality of materials for products manufactured, marketed and assembled by Axa Plus is certified by European CE certifications, compliance statements, SP certifications, performance declarations, quality certificates from our suppliers, some of the most titratable in their fields of activity. We work with local suppliers, but also with suppliers in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, all this in order not to deviate from the motto of AXA PLUS: "The race for quality does not end".
Our company has implemented the integrated quality management system - ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2005 and OHSAS 18001: 2008.
One of our favorite motto "We guarantee with our professionalism" combines with the respect of the local and European legislation, AXA PLUS granting for the performed works 2 years warranty, warranty service and post-warranty service on the basis of advantageous contracts service.
In cooperation with our suppliers, we grant warranty for used profiles or other 5,10,15 or even 20 year markers.
Our old and new clients, over the 19 years of our business, understood that "We guarantee our professionalism" and the fact that our products and services have maintained and increased our standards.
Dear Clients, do not forget: "With us you never lose " and we waive to apply with all your trust to our services!
We are waiting for you !
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