The quality course does not stop

Axa Plus. Successful alliance.

We guarantee our professionalism.

Axa Plus. Successful alliance

With us you never lose

Axa Plus. Successful alliance.



Tin sa subliniez ca parteneriatul nostru s-a dovedit unul de succes, respectarea termenelor,calitatea serviciilor,adaptarea la noile solutii aparute in decursul lucrarilor,in acest sens,organizatia SC AXA PLUS SRL, dovedind o data in plus ca este un partener de incredere,serios si foarte dedicat

Constantin Badea - Presedinte SC Consstar Construct SRL Bucuresti

Constantin Badea

Usi de garaj

Usi de garaj

SC AXA PLUS SRL executa si monteaza cu componente din Olanda, Germania si Italia o gama variata de usi de garaj : usi de garaj sectionale rezidentiale, usi de garaj sectionale industriale, usi secti[..]

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Ventilated facades

 Ventilated facades

Ventilated type facade and wall coverings were developed to protect buildings against the combined action of rain and wind by counterbalancing the effects of water beating on walls and keeping the bui[..]

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Cu spatii de productie dotate cu echipamente de ultima generatie, firma SC AXA PLUS confectioneaza tamplarie PVC si aluminiu, cu profile romanesti, germane su grecesti, feronerie si sticla de cea ma[..]

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Compartimentari interioare

Compartimentari interioare

Firma noastra executa si monteaza compartimentari interioare din aluminiu si sticla , cu un design modern cu combinatii de suprafete plane si curbe ce permit folosirea in paralel de sticla sau mat[..]

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Usi metalice / Rezistente la foc

Usi metalice / Rezistente la foc

Usile metalice si rezistente la foc EI30,60,90,120 minute, tip NINZ se utilizeaza la halele industriale, birouri, cladiri anexe .

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Tamplarie rezistenta la foc

Tamplarie rezistenta la foc

SC AXA PLUS are in portofoliu,urmand noile tendinte de securitate in constructii, tamplarie rezistenta la foc tip E,EW,EI,60,90 sau 120 minute,cu profile rezistente la foc SCHUCO, ALUPROF, JANSEN .

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Porti metalice

Porti metalice

SC AXA PLUS produce si monteaza porti de intrare metalice , manuale sau automate..Cu modele cat mai variate , acestea se caracterizeaza prin rezistenta sporita la efractie , durata de viata ridicat[..]

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Sisteme de andocare

Sisteme de andocare

SC AXA PLUS SRL ofera o gama completa de sisteme de andocare: rampe de egalizare din otel sau aluminiu,cu actionare manuala sau electro-hidraulica; burdufuri de etansare, simple sau gonflabile .

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For all our projects, we carry out laborious measurements in the field with performance measuring instruments, the mounting conditions being an important factor for finding the most efficient and ingenious constructive solutions.

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SC AXA PLUS SRL has about 2000 square meters of production facilities, equipped with work equipment and equipment of the newest generations.
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SC AXA PLUS has a team of enthusiastic professionals who, based on the documentation received from potential clients, offer the portfolio products, finding the most optimal construction solutions. 

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SC Axa Plus has specialized assembly teams for all types of products in the portfolio, with many certified installers from our suppliers, with specializations and courses for all these products.
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If you have not known us so far, maybe we were not quite insistent or perhaps quite demanding!

Axa Plus. Successful alliance.





Why choose

AXA PLUS professional solutions?

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The quality of materials for products manufactured, marketed and assembled by Axa Plus is certified by European CE certifications, compliance statements, SP certifications, performance declarations, quality certificates from our suppliers, some of the most titratable in their fields of activity. We work with local suppliers, but also with suppliers in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, all this in order not to deviate from the motto of AXA PLUS: "The race for quality does not end".

Our company has implemented the integrated quality management system - ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2005 and OHSAS 18001: 2008.



One of our favorite motto "We guarantee with our professionalism" combines with the respect of the local and European legislation, AXA PLUS granting for the performed works 2 years warranty, warranty service and post-warranty service on the basis of advantageous contracts service.

In cooperation with our suppliers, we grant warranty for used profiles or other 5,10,15 or even 20 year markers.



More than 


 happy customers

Our old and new clients, over the 19 years of our business, understood that "We guarantee our professionalism" and the fact that our products and services have maintained and increased our standards.

Dear Clients, do not forget: "With  us you never lose " and we waive to apply with all your trust to our services!

 We are waiting for you !

See out portofolio   Testimonials

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